our services
1040 Preparation and One State
Our menu of services includes 1040 Preparation and one state starting at $150.
For example, if you have one W2 job and work and live in the same state then preparation and e-filing of your tax return will cost $150.
Multiple W2s, other sources of income, and etc., will result in additional costs.
From $150
Each Additional State
Many clients will have to file state returns in both Kansas and Missouri because they may work in multiple states or live in one state and work in another.
For example, if a taxpayer is a W2 wage earner in Kansas and lives in Missouri then the cost of preparation and e-filing of your tax return will result in an additional $99.
Multiple W2, other sources of income, and etc., will result in additional costs.
From $99
Business Tax Forms
Whether it be Partnership Returns, S Corporation Returns, or C Corporation Returns, we do it all. Our prices for a preparation and e-filing a Business Tax form, with one state, start at $250.
Each additional state will cost an additional $99. Supplemental forms could also result in additional costs (for example, more than five K-1s).